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Vision Mission Statement

As a Marist School, Notre Dame of Cotabato carries the work and spirit of the founder, St. Marcellin Champagnat. It is committed to serve the youth with love for the least favored through education aimed at the formation of integrated human person able to understand and exhibit moral and spiritual values. It also undertakes the mission of developing its administrators, staff, parents and alumni.

As a Catholic school, it takes part in the mission of Christ to proclaim the good news and to witness his presence express in love , justice and service to the community and to all who come under its influence. As a school catering to students of different religious affiliations and ethnic background, It fosters a culture of peace inside and outside the classroom and promotes peaceful means of solving problems. It promotes understanding and unity among Christians and Muslims by keeping the religion as the core of curriculum.  

As a Filipino School, It shares the attainment of the goals of education embodied in the Philippine constitution. It preserves and develops Filipino values, convictions and aspirations. It recognizes the vital role of students as responsible citizen in protecting the environment and preserving the natural resources.

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